
Monday, November 3, 2008

friendship sms 5

friendship SMS

One day Friendship and Love met.
One day Friendship and Love met. Love asked why do you exists when I am here, friendship ans I am here to leave smile where u leave tears.

Hold 10 Roses in Ur Hands
Hold 10 Roses in Ur Hands & Stand Opposite to the Mirror,
U'll see 11 Roses & among them, the most Beautiful Rose in the World is U my dear friend....

incoming is free for me
When ur alone, When ur crying, When ur upset, Don't think of me!! just call me coz incoming is free for me.. my friend!!

Some friends r worth 2b thrown,
Some friends r worth 2b thrown, Some r good 2 keep, Some r 2b treasured 4 ever, and i think ur one 2 b kept 4 ever.

There r many stars but the Moon is u
There r many stars but the Moon is u. There r many friends but the Sweet one is u. To forget me is now up t@ u. To forget u is something i will never ever do

A good friend is like a computer
A good friend is like a computer, Enter your life ,'Save' u in their heart, 'format' ur problam 'shift' u to opportunities & never 'delete' u from 'memory'!

I cant find a reason why God gave U to me
I cant find a reason why God gave U to me , but that is not the question to b asked,May b the question is how did God knew that i needed a friend like U...

Hold 10 Roses in ur hand
Hold 10 Roses in ur hand & stand opposite of the mirror, U'll see 11 Roses & among them, the most Beautiful rose in the World is U my dear friend...

The recipe of friendship
The recipe of friendship:, 1 cup of sharing.. 2 cups of caring.. 3 cups of forgiveness &hugs.. mixx all these together to make friends 4 ever..

Have a "HEART" that never breaks,
Have a "HEART" that never breaks, Have a"SMILE" that never fades, HAve a touch that never Hurt$, Have a "FRIENDSHIP" that naver ends , Like Ours!

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