
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Guide for beginner to crack DVD or VCD

Guide for beginner to crack DVD or VCD

Guide for beginner to crack DVD or VCD

What is DRM

DRM is an acronym for Digital Rights Management, a broad term used to describe a number of techniques for restricting the free use and transfer of digital content. DRM is used in a number of media, but is most commonly found in video and music files. There are many who argue that DRM is a misnomer, since it deals with use issues rather than the rights of the consumer. They therefore reinterpret DRM to stand for Digital Restrictions Management.

While DRM is most frequently used for movies, it is gaining more widespread use in other media as well. Audio files purchased through many online stores, such as Apple's iTunes Store, have various DRM schemes built in to limit the number of devices they may be played on. Many producers of eBooks are using a similar implementation of DRM to limit how many computers a book may be viewed on, and even how many times it may be viewed. In mid-2005, a number of content producers for television began requesting DRM of their shows via the popular TiVo system.

Therefore,if you want to free enjoy movie oraudio anywhere and anytime,first you should crack it whit some tools and then convert them to your portable player!



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