
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Recipe: Chocolate Sundaes

Recipe: Chocolate Sundaes


4 scoops of vanilla and chocolate ice-cream each
2 ripe bananas, sliced
Fresh cream
Almond sliced

For the sauce
¼ cup light brown sugar
½ cup golden syrup
3 tbsp coffee powder
1tsp ground cinnamon
5 ounces chocolate, chopped
1/3 cup fresh cream

To make the sauce, put sugar, syrup, coffee and cinnamon in a pan.
Bring to a boil, and then cook further for about five minutes, stirring the mixture continuously.
Turn off the heat and let the sauce cool.
Fill each glass with a scoop of vanilla and another of chocolate ice-cream.
Sprinkle the sliced bananas on the ice-cream.
Pour the warm sauce onto the bananas, and then top each sundae with a swirl of fresh cream.
Sprinkle almond on the cream and serve immediately.

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