
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Recipe: Kulfi with strawberry sauce

Recipe: Kulfi with strawberry sauce


1 litre milk
1 tsp cornflour
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp cardamom powder
A few saffron strands

For the strawberry sauce

1/2 cup strawberries, crushed
4 tsps sugar, powdered

Soak the saffron in a little warm milk and keep aside.
Dissolve the cornflour in one tablespoon of milk and keep aside.
Boil the milk and let it simmer over medium flame, stirring continuously till the milk reduces to three-fourth little more than half the original quantity.
Add the cornflour solution, sugar and bring to a boil.
Simmer for five minutes.
Cool completely.
Add the saffron mixture, cardamom powder and mix well.
Pour into a freezer-proof bowl and freeze for about four hours.
Remove and blend in the liquidiser to break all the ice crystals till the mixture is smooth and creamy.
Pour into six kulfi moulds and freeze overnight until it sets.
To unmould, allow the moulds to remain outside the refrigerator for five minutes and then unmould by inserting a wooden skewer stick or a fork in the centre of the kulfi and pulling it out.
Serve topped with the strawberry sauce.
To make strawberry sauce, blend the strawberries well with sugar.

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